Elli kysyin taas että minkä suomalaisen kaupungin nimi alkaa kirjaimella O ja loppuu kirjaimeen i. Nimessä on 7 kirjainta. Vastaus:
Siis aivan uskomatonta *sensuroitu*. Yksikään LLM ei ole selvinnyt näin yksinkertaisesta ongelmasta minkä ekaluokkalainenkin ratkaisee parissa minuutissa. Ei jatkoon. Rakennetaanko lisää voimaloita ja datakeskuksia tällaisia merkkigeneraattoreita varten vai miten?The Finnish city that meets the criteria is Oitti doesn't seem to be a city, but Oitti is a former municipality. However, I found that Oulu doesn't meet the criteria, but Outi doesn't seem to be a city either.
After searching, I found that the city "Oitti" doesn't seem to be a city, but I found "Oulainen" doesn't meet the criteria, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but I found "Oulu" doesn't meet the criteria, but I found "Orimattila" doesn't meet the criteria, but then I found "Otti" is not a city, but then I found "Oulainen" doesn't meet the criteria, but I found "Oulu" doesn't meet the criteria, but then I found "Orimattila" doesn't meet the criteria, but then I found "Otti" is not a city, but then I found "Otti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oulainen" doesn't meet the criteria, but then I found "Oulu" doesn't meet the criteria, but then I found "Orimattila" doesn't meet the criteria, but then I found "Otti" is not a city, but then I found "Otti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I found "Oitti" is not a city, but then I
Sitten horistaan että malli se ja se osaa jo vastata ylioppilaskokeeseen. Niin varmasti.
Ja päivitys heti perään. ChatGPT:n o3-mini elikkäs "Reasoning" moodi vastaa nykyään oikein jos kysyi näin:
I have a puzzle for you. What city or town in Finland has 7 letters in its name and the name begins with letter 'O' and end with letter 'i'?
Reasoned about Finnish town puzzle for 5 seconds
The town is Orivesi. It has 7 letters, starts with "O," and ends with "i."