No onko tämän saanut aikaan joku ohjelmapäivitys ?
Nimittäin tuo D30, mikä tuossa kameralaukussa on, ei näin tee ja se on 100% varma, oli kuvausmoodi sitten mikä tahansa (sarja oli tuollakin koko ajan päällä). Saatoihan olla, että ajoitus 2:n aidan välissä on juuri sopiva tuohon blokki-asiaan, mutta näin kuitenkin kävi ja se ei ole minun toivelistalla.
Rob Calbraithkin on minun kanssa samaa mieltä asiasta:
Several D60 design decisions mean that this camera will benefit from the fastest possible CompactFlash card:
First, The D60 is not able to shoot and write simultaneously. Therefore, if you hit the buffer limit when shooting an extended sequence, as often as not you'll need to wait for the camera to finish processing or writing one photo before continuing.
Ja sitten D30:
In almost every respect, the D30 is designed to make a fast CompactFlash card a necessity:
- First, it's not able to shoot and write simultaneously. Therefore, if you hit the buffer limit when shooting an extended sequence, as often as not you'll need to wait for the camera to write out at least one file (and sometimes more it seems, depending on when the camera returns control to the shutter button). The length of time you'll wait is largely dependent on the write speed of the card. This will be a significant factor when shooting Large Fine JPEGs of detailed scenes at higher ISO settings, since the buffer limit can drop pretty close to the camera's 8 frame minimum. It becomes a huge factor when shooting RAW .CRW files, given the camera's 3 frame buffer for that format.
Ja 10D:
Several EOS 10D design decisions mean that this camera will benefit from the fastest possible CompactFlash card:
- The camera's image review features don't fully come to life until the storage buffer is completely emptied to the card. RAW format afficionados will find the wait especially long.
- When the camera's processing and storage memory buffers are completely full,
you'll need to wait for the camera to finish writing at least one photo to the card before another photo can be shot.