Zeiss lens service

Objektiivit, filtterit, loitot jne.
Viestit: 13312
Liittynyt: Joulu 06, 2004 6 : 41

Zeiss lens service

Viesti Kirjoittaja aikaarska »

Mielenkiintoista juttua Zeissin objektiivi huollosta:


'Why should I feel lonely ? is not our planet in the Milky way?'
Cloudcity. Uuden ajan pilvipalvelu.
Viestit: 2252
Liittynyt: Heinä 07, 2009 13 : 19

Re: Zeiss lens service

Viesti Kirjoittaja Jappee »

aikaarska kirjoitti:Mielenkiintoista juttua Zeissin objektiivi huollosta:

Tuo on kaiketi jonkun jampan firma, joka huoltaa Zeiss:n objektiiveja. Ei siis Zeiss:n huolto-osasto. Tuossa jampan tarina:

My name is Henry Scherer. As a young man I sold cameras at various camera stores in the Los Angeles area in the 1960's. That was the time when the rangefinder camera was right at the end of its time as the king of photography. So I remember well the days when the Contax was being made and sold and what people were saying about it then. I am a trained watchmaker, was a precision machinist on a Nuclear Submarine, worked as a Nuclear Engineer, ran a successful custom printing business using the Kodak Dye Transfer Process, have degrees in Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering.
Viestit: 13312
Liittynyt: Joulu 06, 2004 6 : 41

Re: Zeiss lens service

Viesti Kirjoittaja aikaarska »

Jappee kirjoitti:
aikaarska kirjoitti:Mielenkiintoista juttua Zeissin objektiivi huollosta:

Tuo on kaiketi jonkun jampan firma, joka huoltaa Zeiss:n objektiiveja. Ei siis Zeiss:n huolto-osasto. Tuossa jampan tarina:

My name is Henry Scherer. As a young man I sold cameras at various camera stores in the Los Angeles area in the 1960's. That was the time when the rangefinder camera was right at the end of its time as the king of photography. So I remember well the days when the Contax was being made and sold and what people were saying about it then. I am a trained watchmaker, was a precision machinist on a Nuclear Submarine, worked as a Nuclear Engineer, ran a successful custom printing business using the Kodak Dye Transfer Process, have degrees in Chemical Engineering, Materials Science, Chemistry and Environmental Engineering.
Okei. No, mutta oikeastaan vielä mielenkiintoisemmaksi muuttui ;-)

Hieno ukko ja vankkaa tietämystä, ja taitoa.

'Why should I feel lonely ? is not our planet in the Milky way?'
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